Remembering Mark Sackett

//Remembering Mark Sackett

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Remembering Mark Sackett


The community lost a dear friend with the recent passing of Mark Sackett. He was a catalyst for positive change and a champion for our new Cincinnati Scholar House. Mark helped make the Cincinnati Scholar House project a reality and was deeply involved since the days when this program was only an idea, bringing CUB together with Christ Church Cathedral.

This spring, we will open the doors to CSH, realizing a dream to break the cycle of poverty, two generations at a time. We are honored to be providing our future residents and their children with the gift of a safe home, quality childcare, and professional case management and supportive services. We wouldn’t have gotten here without Mark. Because of his leadership and commitment, we’ll be able to invest in those with immense potential but limited resources and create an even stronger Cincinnati. We will forever be filled with gratitude for Mark’s impact on our organization and on our community.
Let us remember and celebrate Mark as a husband, a father, a grandfather, a great grandfather, a son, a brother, a friend, a leader, a philanthropist, a serviceman, a runner.

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Cincinnati Scholar House Ribbon Cutting

Now let’s look toward the quickly approaching opening of the Cincinnati Scholar House, Mark’s passion and a small piece of his legacy. We will be holding a ribbon cutting ceremony for CSH on May 14 (time is currently TBD). There will be more information to follow, so please expect an upcoming invitation. We are ecstatic to continue serving our community in this new capacity!

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By | 2020-02-28T10:00:25-05:00 February 27th, 2020|